Sprott Gold Miners ETF

The SGDM Gold ETF provides investors with exposure to the equity of gold mining firms through tracking an equity index. This index-based fund specifically targets companies classified as gold miners in the Americas and Asia/Pacific regions under the RBICS industry system. SGDM employs a unique weighting methodology that combines market capitalization with three fundamental factors: revenue growth, debt-to-equity ratio, and free cash flow yield. These factors are equally weighted in scoring, influencing the weight of each firm in the index. Companies with stronger scores receive higher weights, up to a maximum of 18% per position at rebalance, subject to additional concentration screens.

The Underlying Index undergoes quarterly reconstitution and rebalancing for optimal alignment with market conditions. Previously, SGDM tracked the Sprott Zacks Gold Miners Index until July 22, 2019, demonstrating its evolution to enhance tracking precision and relevance in the gold mining sector.



Change: ($0.19) 0.65%
Expense Ratio: 0.50%
Performance of SGDM gold shares

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Expense Ratios vs Storage Fees

Expense ratios in ETFs represent the annual fees and costs for managing and operating the fund, including management and administrative expenses. While these fees might seem insignificant, they can compound over time, diminishing the overall returns for long-term investors.

For those holding physical bullion, storage fees are the primary costs, associated with the secure storage of the gold. These fees are usually fixed, providing a predictable expense. Comparing the impact of these ongoing expense ratios with the fixed storage fees of physical bullion is crucial for investors deciding between these two investment options.

Expense Ratio for SGDM

Years Net Investment ETF Fees 0.5% (avg) OneGold Storage 0.12% (Gold) Assumes 8% expected return
1 $15,000 $50.00 $12.00 Initial Investment = $10,000
2 $20,000 $132.75 $31.91 Yearly Investment = $5,000
3 $25,000 $253.03 $60.90
4 $30,000 $416.15 $100.29
5 $35,000 $628.04 $151.56
6 $40,000 $895.27 $216.33
7 $45,000 $1,255.16 $296.43
8 $50,000 $1,625.81 $393.90
9 $55,000 $2,106.20 $510.97
10 $60,000 $2,676.31 $650.14
20 $110,000 $16,417.48 $4,043.72

When evaluating the SGDM Gold ETF against OneGold, it’s vital to factor in the fees and overall investment impact over an extended period. Assume an 8% annual return, reflective of gold’s historical performance since 1971, to assess the financial implications.

Comparsion of Fees

ETF Fees: The SGDM Gold ETF has an average fee rate of approximately 0.5%. Over a 20-year span, this accumulates to total fees of $16,417.48. 

OneGold Storage Fees: On the other hand, OneGold charges lower storage fees, pegged at 0.12% of the gold's value. After 20 years, these storage fees would total $4,043.72, yielding a net saving of $12,373.76 compared to the SGDM ETF.

Understanding ETF Risks, Taxes, and Hidden Fees

ETFs come with the risk of potential closures, which can force investors to liquidate their positions at unfavorable times, potentially leading to financial losses. This makes it essential to thoroughly research the stability and management of the ETF before investing. Understanding the fund’s track record and the expertise of its management team can help mitigate the risks associated with unexpected closures and ensure a more secure investment.

Tax implications and hidden fees are also critical factors to consider when investing in ETFs. Different ETFs have varying tax treatments, which can significantly impact overall returns. Fees imposed by trading platforms for buying and selling ETFs can also accumulate over time, reducing investment capital. Being mindful of these costs and incorporating them into your investment strategy is crucial for making informed decisions and maximizing returns.

Advantages of Holding Real Gold for Liquidity

The liquidity provided by holding physical gold is a significant advantage, allowing investors to quickly convert their assets into cash or other valuable items as needed. This is particularly beneficial during periods of economic uncertainty when gold tends to retain its value. Unlike some ETFs that do not offer direct ownership of the underlying gold, holding physical gold ensures immediate access and control over your assets, providing a sense of security.

Moreover, while some ETFs offer the option to redeem shares for physical gold, the process can be cumbersome and involve stringent conditions. Investors should carefully examine these terms to ensure they align with their investment goals. Opting for a transparent vaulted gold option like OneGold provides a straightforward method of accessing your gold holdings, avoiding the complexities and uncertainties associated with ETF redemptions. This approach can be especially appealing to those who prioritize liquidity and simplicity in their investments.